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欄目: 心理 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.69W




家臨九江水, 來去九江側。

同是長幹人, 生小不相識。

a song of changgan ii

cui hao

"yes, i live here, by the river

i have sailed on it many and many a time.

both of us born in changgan, you and i!

why haven't we always known each other?"




明月出天山, 蒼茫雲海間。

長風幾萬裏, 吹度玉門關。

漢下白登道, 胡窺青海灣。

由來征戰地, 不見有人還。

戍客望邊色, 思歸多苦顏。

高樓當此夜, 歎息未應閒。

the moon at the fortified pass

li bai

the bright moon lifts from the mountain of heaven

in an infinite haze of cloud and sea

and the wind, that has come a thousand miles

beats at the jade pass battlements....

china marches its men down baideng road

while tartar troops peer across blue waters of the bay....

and since not one battle famous in history

sent all its fighters back again

the soldiers turn round, looking toward the border

and think of home, with wistful eyes

and of those tonight in the upper chambers

who toss and sigh and cannot rest.

Tags:古詩 英語