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欄目: 心理 / 發佈於: / 人氣:5.45K

1、Monkey magic strength, Dior unruly, heavy bonds of friendship.——孫悟空法力高強,桀驁不馴,重情義。

2、Zang Confucianism weak personality, hypocrisy, fear of death, beyond the lack of understanding, kindness goodness, but not be able to tell right from wrong.——唐三藏個性儒弱,偽善怕死,缺乏超越的理解,善良仁慈,卻不能夠明辨是非。

3、Pig lust, lazy.——豬八戒好色好吃懶做。

4、Drifting honest, hard working.——沙僧憨厚任勞任怨。