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It's a good day to die|慷慨赴義在今朝




We call upon our troopers,|我們呼喚軍隊

in this our darkest hour,|在危難來臨之時

our way of life is what we're fighting for.|英勇善戰就是我們的教條。

The flag that flies above us,|頭頂旗幟飛揚

inspires us each day|時刻激勵着我們

to give our very best in every way.|竭盡全力 做到更好。

It's a good day to die,|慷慨赴義在今朝

When you know the reasons why.|原因你自知曉。

Citizens we fight for what is right.|戰鬥為了公民的榮耀

A noble sacrifice!|壯烈的犧牲!

When duty calls you pay the price.|號角吹響 鬥志衝雲霄。

For the Federation I will give my life.| 為了聯邦我甘願塗地肝腦。


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