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欄目: 心理 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.42W

independent: 獨立的,不依靠任何人,不受任何人控制


I decided to move out of my parents house so I could become more independent.我決定搬出父母的房子,這樣我就可以更加獨立。

separate: 被看作一組事物中的另一個,或停止連接在一起

separate [seprt , sepret]



As we went our separate ways, I thanked them for their hospitality.我們分道揚鑣時,我感謝他們的好客。

Children remain separated from their parents, husbands from their wives.妻離子散。


①separate : 指把兩個人或物分開,着重從原屬一個整體中移居一部分或把兩者隔開。

The north and south of the country are separated by a mountain range.這個國家的南北兩部分被一條山脈隔開。

You can get a special device for separating egg whites from yolks.


The top and bottom sections are quite difficult to separate.頂部和底部很難分開。

②part : 多指使緊密相連的人或物分開,往往暗示最後分離的意味。

The curtains parted, revealing a darkened stage.幕布拉開,露出燈光轉暗的舞臺。

To be parted from him even for two days made her sad.就連跟他分開兩天都會叫她難過。

③divorce : 特指兩個或更多的互爲依賴的事物的分離,尤指婚姻的合法解體。

They believed that art should be divorced from politics.他們認爲藝術應該與政治分開。

When he was depressed, he felt utterly divorced from reality.他沮喪時便感到完全脫離了現實。

She's divorcing her husband.她正在和丈夫鬧離婚